Pheno Felt

Pheno Felt

Pheno Felt is light weight insulation that is produced by combination of resinous rock wool with aluminum foil or Kraft paper. This kind is environment compatible and not harmful to human health. Not recommended to use for high temperature due to the used polyethylene inside the paper.

Below are different kinds of Pheno Felt:

bullet square glass red Resinous Pheno felt without cover
bullet square glass red Resinous Pheno felt covered with aluminum foil
bullet square glass red Resinous Pheno felt covered with Kraft paper.


bullet square glass red Dropped ceiling
bullet square glass red Air circulation channels
bullet square glass red Cooling water system
bullet square glass red Air condition system
bullet square glass red Tank and equipment with low temp
bullet square glass red Exhaust
bullet square glass red Walls of residential and industrial buildings


bullet square glass red Fire resistance
bullet square glass red Acoustic and thermal insulation
bullet square glass red Environment compatible
bullet square glass red Easy installation
bullet square glass red Neutral chemical properties
bullet square glass red Insects and bacteria resistant


عایق لحافی رزین دار | فنوفلت | PHENO FELT
عایق لحافی رزین دار | فنوفلت | PHENO FELT

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