

The ceramic fiber paper of Jahan Ayegh Pars Company is proved to be a flexible and uniform sheet in handling heat treatment. Some advantages including low shrinkage, good strength, and low thermal conductivity contribute to the wide applications of the paper.
The advance manufacturing technology makes the distribution of fiber be very even and the paper's thickness and storage can also be controlled strictly.



bullet square glass red Industrial furnaces, casting barrels and submerged nozzles
bullet square glass red Heat shielding
bullet square glass red Wood burning stovesCFP
bullet square glass red Electric and thermal insulation for electric furnaces
bullet square glass red Sealing for furnace doors and expansion joints
bullet square glass red Lining for aluminum casting molds
bullet square glass red Burner gaskets
bullet square glass red Thermal and electric insulation for heaters
bullet square glass red Acoustic and thermal insulation for automobile mufflers
bullet square glass red Heat insulation for exhaust tubes and pipes
bullet square glass red Refractory back-up
bullet square glass red Slip plane material
bullet square glass red Asbestos paper replacement
bullet square glass red One-time consumable insulating applications



bullet square glass red High temperature resistance and stability
bullet square glass red Low thermal conductivity
bullet square glass red Low heat storage
bullet square glass red Easily handled
bullet square glass red Thermal shock and flame stability
bullet square glass red Low density
bullet square glass red High strength
bullet square glass red Good resiliency and excellent acoustical absorption properties
bullet square glass red Good dielectric strength and excellent corrosion resistance


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کاغذی | PAPER
کاغذی | PAPER

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