Calcium silicate is a new style of thermal insulation material with a white and smooth surface, itis100%non-asbestos, non-toxic, non-hazardous substances, has excellent fireproof and waterproof performance, and the service life is very long.
The use of calcium silicate foam for the building sector, especially the internal insulation of walls is relatively new. Based on extensive research, it was proven that, due to the high capillary action and hydrothermal material properties, the foam can be used to improve moisture protection – especially when energetically renovating old buildings where the outside façade is unsuited for insulation measures.
Calcium Silicate boards are designed for use in applications, where impact resistance, fireproofing, waterproofing, sound absorption, and heat isolation are required.
Calcium Silicate can withstand temperatures up to 1100 °C. Our highly skilled experts are ready to design and develop the most efficient thermal insulation solution for your requirements.
Industrial Furnace
Process Piping
Iron and Steel making
Aluminum Production
Galss and Ceramics production
Power generation
Fuel Cells
In various transportation sector
External walls and ceilings
Internal walls and ceilings
As s sub-roof board
As the underlay baord for floor and wall tiling
Decorative application
Fire productive solution
Low bulk density
Low thermal conductivity
Good thermal resistance
High strength
Light weight
Easy installation
Unaffected by sunlight & steam
Wiil not rot or support fungal growth